Having a personal coach can help you cut through all the red tape and expedite your way to a more fruitful & fulfilling business.
Whether you are a recent graduate of our Masterkey program, you are not sure which direction to go and would like a one-on-one session first, or you want to work on skillsets that are not on the business side of photography (Example: lighting, posing, post-production, etc.), then one-on-one coaching can benefit you.

Imagine having someone who is genuinely invested in your success, guide you into the light and help lay out the ground work for you to become the shinning star you were meant to be.
I've been in your shoes, and I know what works and what doesn't.
I'll help you strengthen what you already have, take away what’s working against you and help to add all the little pieces you’re missing! One-on-one coaching will be tailored around your specific needs.

Jessica McKnight 

Lets work



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"It's red lipstick bold, classic to the core, romantic at heart, and effortless, button-down-shirt sexy."

It's Amaretto Sour. Lorem Ipsum sectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vitae faucibus lorem, id iaculis nulla. Aenean convallis cursus quam dictum semper. Aliquam rutrum tellus interdum elit lacinia dignissim. Praesent posuere arcu in tristique posuere. Sed purus dolor, ultrices vel ante consectetur, malesuada.

Let's do it!

Lets chat over coffee
on-line of course lol !

Ready to get started?

I would love to know about your business so I can help you grow!


We believe in lazy mornings, short breaks, long kisses, and moments that feel like they go on forever.

Adventure is the cure for anything that ails you, but it's somehow also true that there's no place like home with the one you love.

Schedule Your Coaching Session

shoot me an email

I understand that every dollar invested in your business is
 an important one! Let's chat about it!  

Still Not sure?